Week 4 Part A: Defining Target Markets

 The two websites that I would like to compare are Subway and Hungry Bear, both of them are sandwich businesses. Subway is spread internationally, and Hungry Bear is a small single location. The reason that I decided to search these shops and websites is that I had a sandwich from Subway a few days ago, and that was so good and the staff was also good. Therefore, I chose these sandwich shops.

At first, Subway is excellent because the quality of the photos is so beautiful and clean, and they make us hungry. They look so fresh. Also, there is a lot of food variety, not only sandwiches, but also bowls, wraps, salad, and snacks. On the other hand, Hungry Bear is also good. I thought the quality of the company's photos is inferior to that of Subway, but that was wrong. It looks so delicious and clean, and I was impressed because I could feel the efforts of the store.

Next, I found that there is an obvious difference between the two websites. It is a quantity of information on the website. Subway's website offers us a lot of information. For example, it tells about coupon codes, an application, history, and nutrition. And I was really surprised that everyone can apply for a franchise. This is unique to a large company. On the other hand, the company has less information than Subway. Of course, it's natural that there are few, because it's a small business. In other words, it is simple. There is also information on the history of the store, but there are very few sentences. But I was surprised that there is a link that can be a VIP. If you enter your information and register, you can get event information and discounts, and you can also ask for a secret menu. This is very interesting.

I think customers who often use Subway also prefer Hungry Bear. It is common for large companies to prefer, but this small shop is making an effort and has a variety of menus, and it is good food as far as you can see from the picture. The design of the website and both companies are very clear and easy to see, and personally, they are good. The information is also easy to find, and I think about my customers very well.

The good thing about fixing the Hungry Bear is the picture. I admired it, but it gets better when I improve here. I think that if you use fresher and healthier photos and more vivid colors, you will have more customers.

I wish for a better future for the two companies.
