Week1A: My Blog Theme

    Hello everyone, this is the first time to create a blog and I think that it is difficult to make a blog. However, this is a good opportunity to learn how to arrange a blog and to write an essay or a paragraph in English, so I am looking forward to creating a blog. Furthermore, it is pleasure to see your blog because your blog tells me what you are interested in.

     I chose a theme which is called “Tasty Treats” for my blog because it is easy to see the titles of my blog and I am able to attach a photograph to each blog. Also, I like simple things, like white color, so I decided on this theme. I would like to master the use of a blog, for example, I study the usage of color to attract people and how to use the layout. These skills should be necessary for the future when I work at a company. Therefore, I want to be a good user of this blog.


    I want to show the photos at the bottom which are Japanese noodles called “Ramen”.In my opinion, ramen is pretty popular among all generations and there are a lot of ramen restaurants in Japan. In addition, there is a lot of taste, for example, soy sauce, tonkotsu, miso, salt, and so on, and all of them are delicious. If you have a chance to go to Japan, I would like you to try it!!!


  1. Hi Towa! I really like that you are using your blog (and the theme) to expand your writing and English skills. I think this class is a really low pressure environment to hone those skills and be comfortable with socially sharing. I've read certain theories on color - for example some prisons/jails use pink uniforms and paint because its considered calming! Do you have a particular type of Ramen that is your favorite? I like the braised pork kind with a slightly runny egg. I've only had it in America, so I'm not sure if its traditional, but I sure enjoy it.

  2. I like the blog theme it's nice and clean looking. I also like that the posts are really easy to find, I feel like the ones on my blog are a little bit hidden, but yours are right there when you go into your blog. I also find the idea of putting a photo with every blog post really cool. I like the idea of using colors to attract people. I have noticed that different colors can change the vibe and the usage of colors can change what pops out on a page to make people look at certain things more.

  3. I love your theme, it is super clean, easy to read, and aesthetically pleasing.


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