Week 2 Part B - Business Reseach

 5 Japanese Supermarket

Aeon is one of the largest supermarkets in Japan. Employees are estimated at 560k people. There are about 20k  shops. 
Twitter: 1.1M followers, last post 9/6
Facebook: 455k followers, last post 9/2
Instagram: 74.9k followers, last post 9/6

Aeon puts social media on its website. They post very often using social media, and they publish product introductions and recipes using products. In addition, they post videos and so on to tell us the campaign period.

Itoyokado is also a large supermarket in Japan.
Twitter: 626k followers, last post 9/6
Facebook: 132k followers, last post 9/1
Instagram: 44.9k followers, last post 9/4

Itoyokado puts social media on its website. They post very often using social media, and they post information on limited-time products and discounts. Also, they not only post products, but also provide entertainment such as fortune-telling.

Life has stores mainly in the western area of Japan.
Facebook: 16k followers, last post 9/5

Life puts social media on its website. They post very often using social media, and introduce products, they also introduce information on pretty popular products and products made by this company. They also provide information on the renewal of the store and information on the opening.

Izumiya also has stores mainly in the western area of Japan, but it is not that large.
Twitter:2.3k followers, last post 9/5

Izumiya puts social media on its website. They post very often using social media, and they offer information on food during the sale and discounts on clothes. In addition, they post about their painting experience class in the supermarket. They use social media to introduce many stores.

Seijoishii has a lot of good quality products at a slightly higher price.
Facebook:25k followers, last post 9/5
Instagram: 223k followers, last post 9/4

Seijoishii puts social media on its website. They post very often using social media, and they put a lot of pictures of the food they took deliciously, and they also post wine and alcohol very beautifully.

These five companies post very often, and I felt that all of them were posting similarly. However, Seijoishii looked a little dignified. I think it is important to differentiate it that way.


  1. It is interesting to see what similar businesses did differently when they used social media. Being able to see how it affects their business is cool to see. I found what you wrote interesting because I haven't seen how Japanese businesses use social media, so seeing what you wrote was really the first time I was able to compare multiple businesses outside the United States. I also found out that the strategies they use aren't too different from what businesses use in the United States.


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