Week 2 Part A : Communication Between Business & Consumer


    When we buy something, we might have some thoughts about the items we purchase, which could be positive or negative views. It is excellent to think about what we buy, and this could be helpful for a company and its business. Therefore, we should leave a comment to the company if it is good or not. By doing so, not only the company but also we can make benefit because if the company’s items improve, we can get better stuff.


    Communicating with businesses has changed. In the past, when we evaluate products, we usually write a comment on a piece of paper or call the company directly. In my opinion, however, this is difficult for a company to list on a board or something, and we tend to hesitate to do that. On the other hand, nowadays, it is easy to evaluate whether this is good or bad by using the internet. I believe that this tends to be good because we can see a large number of comments from the world and we can find out easily whether this product is great or not.


    By the way, have you ever posted a review? To be honest, I have never left a comment on any sites or companies because I thought that there is no meaning even if I review them. However, this was wrong. Because it is pretty important for the company to review its product even if it is only one comment. It would encourage the company to make its product better. If I do my business and see the positive comment, it would be effective to create a new item, and I would do my best. The negative comment is more valuable. Because they point out a bad thing, and this is useful to improve the item. So, I focus on the bad comment than the good comment.


    I read a review of AirPods Pro which is my favorite earphone. This product had a lot of very high evaluations, and I was so surprised. On the other hand, there were a few bad comments. Most of them complained about a defective product. So, we find that the company has to check properly if the product is fine or not. We could learn an important thing through these negative comments. Then, the company has to improve this situation. We need to hear the customer’s voice to develop our business.

    From now on, I will review some products if they are good or not, and comment to make business better even if a detailed sentence or not so.
