Week 3 Part A: Aesthetics, Design, and Branding

I think that two websites that have issues to use and are poorly designed overall are Atari and Craigslist.



The first issue is that the size of the words is too big. It is easy to find that a letter is big, but it is hard to see that a letter is too big as well as that a letter is too small, and this makes us uncomfortable. In my case, this type of website is annoying because I get a bad effect on my eyes when it has a too big word, and my eyes get tired easily. In addition, there is little information to be provided at one time. We could come to lose our desire to see this website. We have to scroll a lot to see the website, so this website is not helpful for us. For this reason, it is better to change smaller the size of the words.

The second issue is that it is used too much color with the words. It is good to use color in order to attract us, but we could be confused when there are lots of colors in a sentence, and we do not know what words we have to focus on. Therefore, this website has to be reduced the usage of color, and be simple

The third issue is that there is too much information on one page. In this situation, it is difficult for us to search for what we want to know. It is necessary to separate information using some link to solve this problem.



The first issue is that this website has only characters. This makes us not interested in this website, and it could be boring. Also, it is hard to get information because there are too many words, To solve this, it is better to post some pictures with these words.

The second issue is that it is too simple. It is good to make a website simple, but it is hard to see without colors. The editor of this website has to add color to the title or subtitle. By doing so, this website would be clear.

The third issue is that there are too many buttons that take us to other links on the first page. This could help visitors to this website, but I think that it is better to separate buttons to other links. Therefore, this website would be better.


On the other hand, I think that the websites of Apple and Toyota are good examples that we find easy to use and well designed.



The first page of this website is simple and easy to see because the color is monotone. The category is displayed very briefly and is easy to find what we are looking for very. Also. It is easy to see the size of the letter just right and a photo is used for each product, and this website is thinking about consumers well. In addition, I found that the usage of color is pretty good and it is easy to use for visitors.



This website is similar to Apple, too, and the first page is fixed very clearly. Simple coloration and a plain photo and a video are used and are easy to see it very much. The photo of the car and the price are written briefly. Also, the color that they are easy to see is used, and our eyes are not tired.


Both websites are made simply, and the coloration is very good, too. In addition, it is easy to look for what we want. That is why the purchasing desire increases and has a good influence on the company.

Compared to good websites and bad websites, I found that it is very important to summarize it simply and with moderate colors. In addition, it turns out that using photos and videos has a good impact on visitors. When I design, I will make it clearly.

I commented on CarlosP Blog for CSIT155-Fall2022 (csit155-fa22-carlosp.blogspot.com)

