Week 6 Part A: Engaging Your Customers - Facebook Strategy

 I liked these businesses:








As these businesses are clothing brands, so I decided to like them. Also they are pretty big companies and brands all over the world, and their products are clothing, bags, and some stuff. 

A half of the businesses that I chose post a photo or a video almost everyday. On the other hand, the other businesses post it once a week, especially, Nike post it rarely. For instance, the latest post of Nike was posted on June 1 2022, but the second latest post was released on January 28 2018. Every business posted a photo which tells us the information of the new arrival goods. Some of them posted not a product information but also a photo of good scenery. They use a lot of techniques to attract customers.

I learned that it is important to post daily. By doing so, the customers would come to be more interested in their products and companies. If I have my own business, I would make an effort to keep posting everyday. 

Finally, these businesses have a lot of customers, and they are connecting with customers by sharing, liking, commenting. Therefore, I think that the business companies should care about customers’ views. 
