Week 7 Part B: How Other Businesses Use Instgram

    First of all, I visited my group members' Instagram pages, which are North Country Fam and Encinitas Donuts. Both of them posted some pictures, like food and good scenery, and they looked pretty nice. As far as I see, they do not use videos but photos. I think it is better to post photos than videos, because customers can find them easily and it is easy to get information through their posts. I also posted only photos to make it easy for the audience. My post frequency looks as same as theirs. I believe that our use of Instagram is similar well through this analysis.

     To analyze the use of Instagram, I chose three companies’ Instagram accounts: Verizon, Walmart, and Apple.


This company has about 250k followers, and the use of Instagram is not similar to mine. As far as I see, almost all of the posts are videos and there are a few photos. In this account, they post a video that is made by themselves, or a video that is made by famous person who has a influence power. I think this is effective in telling information to viewers. As they have more followers than this company’s Instagram account. 


Walmart has 2.8M followers, and this number of followers is so large. They also post more videos than photos, and recent posts are all videos. They usually post a product introduction, also how to use it. Some of these videos are created by workers at a Walmart shop. This is effective because it is easy to imagine a scene where customers are shopping at Walmart. By doing so, they can increase buyers’ willingness to buy.


Apple has a large number of followers: 28.7M. They post videos as same ratio as photos, which are taken by a famous photographer using iPhone. Both of them are very beautiful and so attractive. The quality of the iPhone camera is super good, so this also could make customers purchase these smartphones. Posting photos taken by photographers, it leads to the company and their promotion. Both of them can get benefit from these posts.

Through this analysis, I found it effective to post videos in order to acquire a lot of customers. Videos can attract viewers because they are included much information and just watching a video, we can get information. Also, we can see the editing of each company, which makes us enjoyable. If I started my business, I would use this technique, like posting a lot of videos, effectively.
