Week 9 Part A: Blogs, Vlog, Podcast & Webinars

    In this blog, I am going to analyze how adding human interest or a personal touch to a post can affect to benefit customers and a business. It is needed to attach personal interest to attract viewers because a unique post is better than a normal post in case to get new customers. I mean normal posts, like an advertisement for new arrivals or information about an event, are necessary to do business and succeed. However, if the business post such a thing every time, viewers could be bored. Therefore, a unique post and personal interest are needed.

    In order to post interesting things, I think the video is effective. Videos should be enjoyable for viewers. For instance, in the clothing brand, it is better not to introduce only the clothes of their company, but also to show the whole body coordination to customers using their clothing. And for coordination, you can introduce clothes that go with clothes that everyone has, or post outfits that are paired with other popular brands. By doing this, viewers become more interested, and benefit both customers and the company. Also, the history of the brand is interesting. People are interested in how the business succeeded, and they want to see the processes. Viewers might be attracted to the information, why did the company begin to do business, were there any problems while doing business, the meaning of the brand name, and so on. I believe people are interested in the origin. In this way, there are many methods to attract customers. 

    I do not think the funeral business can use this kind of method. If they post a lot and be seen by various people, some people will feel bad. In such a business, they should refrain from using it.

I will try my best, using interest and personal touch.


  1. I totally agree with your first paragraph as well as your last one. Can't even imagine a funeral business adding personality to a post. I think your clothing line could benefit from adding personality and backstory to your posts.


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