Week 11 Part A: Marketing with Twitter, TikTok, Google for Business, LinkedIn, and more

 In recent years, various social media have developed. For example, there are Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. And we can use these media to lead to business success. In particular, I think TikTok is the most effective.

I believe TikTok is mainly watched by young people, but it is also used by adults and the elderly. We can watch videos in many categories, such as funny videos, dance videos, and cute videos of pets. Some people use TikTok to become famous. I think this app is great because you can watch and post videos like this.

Recently, advertisements and videos are often played on TikTok. What I often watch is an advertisement where precooked food is delivered. Very delicious food is served at a cheap price and even delivered. You can also see chat apps and delivery part-time ads. Consumers are interested in the company by casually watching videos. Therefore, the number of customers will increase.

In this way, we can increase the number of customers by posting videos to TikTok as a business. In order to promote the brand of clothes that is my business, I need to post videos using TikTok. It's difficult because I'm not making real products, but I'll give you a video of how clothes are made. And I want to grow my business with the attention of various generations by posting fashionable outfits with our own clothes.

Currently, at TikTok, many businesses are using it for advertising. By using these new media more, many people can get to know the business, and not only the company but also the people who watch it can benefit. We can also watch videos that we don't usually watch, so we need TikTok to attract a lot of customers.


  1. I also think that TikTok is the most effective. It has as you said, young people, but it also has older adults and even some elders on the app. I understand the struggle of wanting to post on TikTok for your business, but not having an actual product to promote. I like how you have the idea of creating a video on how the clothing is made, it makes the consumers/audience enticed to come back looking/craving for more content.

  2. Hey Towa. Great to hear how you plan to use TikTok to grow your brand. I can tell you put a lot of thought into it and from my perspective it's going to pay off!


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