Week 16 Part A: Developing Your Marketing Strategy

 I believe that the social media that makes my business grow better is Instagram. Because my business is a clothing brand, and my business expands by letting a lot of people see my products. Posting a coordination using my brand clothing is effective in acquiring customers. In addition, Instagram has a function to post videos, so I think it's interesting to use the manufacturing process of clothes. Especially the reels are effective. It will also appear in the search column of people who are not followers, so it will attract the attention of many people and lead to the development of the company. My brand values elegance, so I use bright and calm colors such as white and beige, and I post a lot to show the image color of the brand to the customer. By creating an image color, people who like that color will come to see my brand. It leads to new customer acquisition.

The most interesting thing I learned in this class is how to use hashtags. At first, this looks easy, but that's not the case. For example, if you use a hashtag of a non-famous brand such as #suzuken, which is my Imaginary brand, it won't be effective because no one searches for it. You can't get a new customer. So you need to learn how to use appropriate hashtags. If I make my own brand from now on, I will analyze it more. The use of hashtags for large companies is very interesting. I analyzed it through this class, and it was amazing. Because successful brands such as Apple and stussy do not use hashtags. Even if they don't use this, they can make a profit because they have enough followers and customers. This was very impressive.

I think I should post three times a day to expand and succeed in this small business. The post is effective at 8 a.m., 12 p.m., and 8 p.m. Because these time are when you go to school in the morning and commute to work, at lunch time, and after dinner time.Posting at these time tends to get a relatively more viewers. The first thing should do for every business is to let many people know about it, so you need to update social media frequently. Business is not easy to succeed and it is difficult to make a profit, so you should value your daily efforts.
